Gepetta's workshop

Things are moving right along here at the little factory of one, I'm making samples, patterns and kits for my fall classes. can't wait to see you all and catch up. I have the best job in the world! 
I'm having a lot of fun with the marionette, learning and improving as I go.
 When I was a child, I had a set of Pelham marionettes that I loved, many moves and life changes and they are long gone and much missed. 
           Some years ago when I lived in Canada, I found at my favorite shop in Vancouver, "Salamagundi", a cardboard box containing a Pelham puppet kit with instructions! Many more moves and life changes and it's still with me you can see the instructions on my messy desk. 


  1. Oh, I want to hear more about your marionettes! Please post more photos when you have them... and I am still hoping to see you soon! xoxo

  2. Hi Katje, up to my knees in crafty artsy heaven will lit you know when it looks like I can come
    Love, ya


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